Talking nutrition with the Leaders Council

One of the things I enjoy is sharing ideas and getting involved in conversations that can influence opinion in ways that can improve our lives during these difficult times. I joined the Leaders Council of Great Britain & Northern Ireland in 2019, and I’ve found it to be an excellent forum and platform to hearContinue reading “Talking nutrition with the Leaders Council”

HYDRATION is not just about drinking that quota of 2-3 litres of water a day!

But yes, at least 1.5 litres is a good start. That’s only six full glasses and then add a herbal tea or two and you’re pretty much there. However for each cup of tea, coffee or sugar intake, whether its drink or food, you need to add one glass of water for each of theseContinue reading “HYDRATION is not just about drinking that quota of 2-3 litres of water a day!”

How to love your liver; the love story of the century!

Actually, we quite often don’t love our livers we use an abuse them. But don’t feel bad we all do it! But if we show it a little love, you would be surprised what it will happily do for us. The liver takes all the nasties and turns them into harmless substances and then getsContinue reading “How to love your liver; the love story of the century!”